Saturday, October 23, 2010

Yankees & Baseball

Yankees lost to the Rangers last night 4-2 in the ALCS, and honestly, I'm about as upset about it as I thought I'd be.

Pretty much not at all.

From top to bottom in the lineup, it's filled through and through with the least charismatic uninspired players of possibly all-time. Nick Swisher even seemed subdued this year.

Good for the Rangers, they're playing the hot hand, they've got the whole "chemistry" thing going for them, as do the Giants.  Hopefully they meet them in the World Series.  If anyone deserved to win this ALCS, it wasn't the New York Yankees.

Now the Yankees have a few issues - who to bring back and for how much and for how long?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bill Simmons Twitter/Trade/Moss Crazyness

It's totally moot now, but Bill Simmons tweeted "moss Vikings" a few weeks back, then rescinded the tweet, then explained on Twitter that it was a mistake, and then explained in his Page 2 column what really happened.

Reading this column was actually very interesting - first of all, it's the longest column Bill's ever written that wasn't about Basketball and how to reinvent the sport so that it's one million times more awesome than it's maximum awesomeness could ever sustain right now ever.  Second, all the information about the process that ESPN employee's have to go through to report something.  Not that I care so much about all the bullshit red tape, I could actually care less, but it was pretty interesting to read about the process.

What I don't buy is Simmons bullshit story about WHY he had mistakenly Tweeted the news of the trade.

REVIEW: Madden 10 (Xbox 360)

Been having Madden 10.  Haven't been writing my review on it - 'til now.  (Un)lucky you.

You know how I roll with video games.  I wait to buy them until they're used on eBay for 60% of the original MSRP or less.  Turns out when you buy last year's sports games after the newest ones out you can get a pretty sweet deal.  The only downsides are when you are playing a Franchise in the year 2009 (this is in reference to Madden 07) and you get wiz-orked by Shaun Alexander and Michael Vick in the Super Bowl.  In that sense, Madden is usually best when played up-to-date.  In the other sense, the old GamePro Fun-Factor is probably about the same, even if it is a year old.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

AD: Chicken Dance

Getting ready for the Arrested Development movie, actually been ready for it for a while.  Maybe this can hold me over...

CVS Wonder Products

In case you were looking for extraordinary hearing, without choosing to roll around in toxic waste and hope for the best, there is apparently an option for you...

The Loud 'N Clear, as seen on TV.  You know, in case you can't hear shit.  The list is endless, or as it's put on the front of the case, quite concise.  Theater, Plays, Church & More!

Exactly NONE of those things I would like to be able to hear any louder than I have to.  Church - I'm set with not going, thanks.

If they advertised this as a super-sleuth espionage tool, I'd be fucking down.  Doubles as a bluetooth.  Fucking sign my ass up.  Triples as a laser pointer, GTFO!  Let's see what other crap you can find at your local pharmancy...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Mid-Week 4 Quick Comments

After 3-1/2 weeks of the National Football League I have a few quick comments I like to put out there.  Things that interest me, things I like, things I don't like.  Where's this guy to the left fall?