Tuesday, March 22, 2011

NFL Lockout & Why I Hate Myself For Caring

Fuck fuckity fuck.  You know what pisses me off the MOST about this whole NFL Lockout / Union Decertification / Court Filing?  I care.  I do.  I know I shouldn't care, and I know I don't want to care.  But I care.  I'm interested.  Fuck me.

If I didn't care, and I knew that no matter what I'll watch the NFL when it returns, I wouldn't have such a problem with this.  At the end of the day the big winners are the lawyers, the slightly less winners are the owners, players and the NFL, and we're the losers.

I'm pretty sure that's not an original thought, in fact I think I might have read Big Daddy Drew and his take on the whole thing, but it's sort of the basis of my blog this time around.

At first I was "on the side of" the players.  They are slightly less rich than the owner's, so sure, let's root for them in this case.  Now I say "fuck 'em all".

Sunday, March 20, 2011

REVIEW: Lost, Seasons 4 thru 6

Finished up Lost - let me say, Netflix Instant Watch is bitchen for plowing through a television series.  It's the tits, man.

I don't know how people watching this show on television, because the 43 minute run time episodes answer as few questions as humanly possible.  Part of that run time is associated with "Previously on Lost...", so the amount of actual show is less than that.  I had heard people either hated the end of the series, or loved it.  There was no in between.  Oddly enough, I'd say I fall in the "in between" zone.  Here goes, Seasons 4 through 6.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

REVIEW: Lost, Seasons 1 thru 3

Never got around to watching Lost when it was on television.  I heard it was the kind of show you couldn't just pick up on, and I never got into it.  Enter Netflix Instant Watch.

In about 2 weeks I'm through Season 3.  I've rated the seasons at about 4 stars out of 5.  Here is a quick (well, hoping it will be quick) review of each season.