Monday, March 29, 2010

More Office Clips

"Now she knows what it feels like to be a minority!"

REVIEW: Twilight

Latest movie that has been Netflix'd was a BuDaChick pick.  Twilight.  Yeesh.  I'm a fan of Harry Potter, so I had an open mind.  I'm into Science-Fantasy, so I said, why the hell not.

I tried.  But this movie sucked.  The acting was terrible, and the plot was non-existent.  Actually, there was a plot - just not enough to fill the 2 hour and 2 minute run time.  For those that don't know, I'm about to spoiler the whole retarded movie for you right here.

"Flex Time" for Amerians, Whaa, Cry Me a River...

So CNN had themselves an article about Fear and Loathing in Flex Time.  First of all, the "flex time" I'm familiar with is the "we're flexible,, so you won't get paid, but your ass better fucking be here."  The flexible time that CNN is talking about doesn't seem so bad.  Work from home, so what if you are discriminated against a little bit!

I know all about the fear of not being there.  Appearing indispensable doesn't mean you aren't, because you are.  No one is indispensable.  If your firm is, for instance, Ernst & Young, obviously Mr. Ernst and Mr. Young aren't going anywhere, but if you are reading, you ain't them.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For The BuDaChick

BuDaChick is currently away on business (and yes, she has been at her current job for only two weeks, and they apparently trust her to go to Orlando already, something my company wouldn't come close to trusting me with after almost three years - rightfully so...) so because I miss her and in honor of her, I'm posting a clip I know she'll love.

Yes.  It's from The Office.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

REVIEW: (500) Days of Summer AND Couples Retreat

The last two Netflix'd vid's that BuDaChick and I watched were (500) Days of Summer and Couples Retreat.  Spoiler Alert - one was really awesome, and one was really mediocre.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Celebs Don't Have To Force Themselves Onto Women

They don't.  They really, really don't.  For some reason, when celebrities show up at a bar or a club, all women turn into goofy panty droppers.

So now I'm supposed to believe that more broads were forced upon by another celebrity athlete?  No effing way brah.

Friday, March 5, 2010

That IS What She Said

In honor of my last post, which was just a clip from The Office, I am going to give you another clip from the office.  This is actually a compilation.  Enjoy.


I know things are tough out there, but when you go in for your next performance review you should take a page from Dwight K. Schrute, and at least get psyched up for your review...

"The least you can do is keep my salary consistent with inflation!"

You said it Dwight!

[Because...I'm AWESOME!]

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My RIGHT to Serve in a Jury?!

Sounds more like a mandate.  Jury Duty is the only right we have as American's that we are forced to utilize.  The goverment wants you to not vote, and they don't really care if you own property until the real estate market goes down the shitter.  I think it's absolutely retarded that our country decided it HAS to take the most ignorant people willing and able to sacrifice a day of work (or doing nothing) for $60 to sit and listen to two different arguments of the same tale to determine who was more correct based on the law.

I'm sorry, aren't LAWYERS or JUDGES most qualified for that task?!

Lately, 'Round the Old Orifice

So a few weeks ago late in the work day I go over to the printer to pick up a document I sent there.  Finishing up witha copy or something is one of the office principals.  She is not part of my studio, and she is a very nice woman.  We can call her  "PMLizzie".  So PMLizze says to me, "BuDaMan, I've been meaning to check out your blog, I hear it's hilarious."  Mind you, this is a principal in my office, and the only tier higher than principal is partner, as in owner of the whole firm.  So one of my principals says to me, "I've been meaning to check out your blog..."

Fuck.  This blog isnt meant for the general populous!  The last thing I need are the co-principals of my office discussing with one another the contents of my blog, and how best to fire my ass without compensation or unemployment.  Siick.