Saturday, June 18, 2011

Office Update

It's been a while my loyal followers.  All two of you.  My last post came a few months ago, and the times they are a changin', so here's what's what.

I changed jobs.  Boom.  There you go.  An opportunity came along, and it's a slight change in work, but overall I think it will be for the best.

I've said it before, and I still stand by this (and now I have in fact put my money where my mouth is), if you are at the same company for long enough, and they don't take care of you, they never will.  Got's to be going.

You remember this place right?  This is also regarding the same company.  I'm gone.  It got to the point where I knew I had to go.  Prior to getting married (and almost immediately following a raise to get most of the office back to where they were prior to reductions) I was called into the new big wigs office, and was told that they felt certain people were deserving of a little more.  I was increased another 4 point something percent to a rounded off number.  I wish I was prepared for that summons, because I should have told them then that I wanted more.

Instead, like a biggity bitch, I said nothing, took the pittance money, and went away to get married and bang my wife in Mexico.  Prior to that meeting I wanted to go to this new big wig and state I was unhappy with my compensation, and that I felt I was outperforming my salary and benefits, and wanted not only a raise but also some sort of profit sharing.

Instead of the end of October, this conversation occurred a few months later, again, because I'm a biggity bitch.

I sit down with the big wig, rapped him my rhyme, and was told "you're how many years out of college?... yeah, okay.... well, let me go and do some research, see some comparables, and I'll get back to you.  We'll talk soon."

Strike one motha fucka.

You know that the BuDaMan is comparable with no one!  Trying to treat me like real estate, shiiet?!  In truth, I understand what that was about, you can't just throw numbers out at people without making an argument for yourself.  Now, come to our second meeting, I reiterate my same rap from before and add in the following: " are looking for resumes with my exact qualifications, I've been here for 4 years, have 10 times the responsibility when I started but I've only been increased a small amount, blah, blah, blah, fuck you, pay me."

Big wig essentially says "we'd like to increase you 3%".  I was beyond annoyed, although I can't say I was completely shocked.  I was looking for a minimum of a 20% increase to keep me relatively interested.

Strike two in these negotiations.

"Umm, that was a little less than I was hoping for and that I believe I should be compensated..."

Before I could continue I was told "What you are looking for is more along the lines of an annual review."  Keep in mind, the previous annual reviews for over two years had resulted in nothing but the worst kind of masturbatorial sessions - thanks for your work, we love you, you're great, you get dick when it comes to additional money, in fact, we're reducing your pay so we can keep worthless managers in place, but still, you're great, keep it up.  I'm supposed to splooge over that and be satisfied?  Bitch please!

"I really don't see the difference between being compensated now and waiting until June/July/August when reviews are, I need to know that I'm going to be taken care of now."

"The difference BuDaMan is that I have to talk to the other partners in our company and we have to take time out of our schedule, and take this time out of turn."

If there's a Strike Two-and-a-half, this was it.  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry for asking you to do your job and manage me.  Sorry.  Next time I'll just shove it up my own ass.

I said something but probably got a word out when big wig cut me off to say "What I'm going to do is increase you 4% and we'll talk come the annual reviews in a couple weeks.  Okay?  Good.  Great."

Grand.  Strike three.  It was then and there that I knew I was never going to be taken seriously, never taken care of, and never treated appropriately unless I took matters into my own hands.  The only logical choice left was to move on.

I'm now at a place where I'm making a little bit more in salary, but I feel as though I have a voice (still have annoying voice, and I'm sure some would like to rip out my tongue, but still...) and I have the ability to benefit from profit sharing.  My hard work now helps me, not helps other derelict S.O.B.'s clocking in and out and doing god knows what.

I still talk to people from the old orifice, and I asked about my old projects.  My buddy told me, "Oh, well, this one is doing this stuff, but the client is concerned this one isn't super involved and your old project manager is becoming overloaded with questions and stuff.  And then that one is doing that other stuff you did, but that one has a lot of questions for your old project manager, and your old project manager is going a little crazy."

"So, what you're telling me is that two people are now doing half of what I did, and poorly?  Just checking."

And with that, I bid you adieu!

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